The University of Guadalajara, through a project created by the Environmental Sciences Museum as part of the University’s Cultural Center, and with the support of the Guadalajara International Book Fair, has established the José Emilio Pacheco City and Nature Award. The prize, which will be given for the first time this year, will be dedicated to poetry. The winning author, who must write in Spanish and have at least ten unpublished poems or poems published in the last five years that are related to nature, urban sustainability, socio-ecological harmony and environmental conservation, will be given a purse of US $10,000. The award is dedicated to poet José Emilio Pacheco, whose work explores the duality between cities and nature.
Created by the University of Guadalajara, and with the collaboration of the National Institute for Indigenous Languages, the Culture Ministry, the National Commission for the Development of the Indigenous Cultures and Jalisco’s Department of Education, the American Indigenous Literature Award is granted to enrich, protect and promote the legacy and richness of Mexico’s indigenous peoples through literature in all its forms, and to and acknowledge and further develop the careers and works of indigenous authors. The award, which carries a purse of US $25,000, will be given for the fourth time at the 2016 FIL Guadalajara.
The SM Ibero-American Award for Literature for Children and Young People was implemented in 2005, the year of Ibero-American literature, with the goal of promoting literature for children and young people throughout Ibero-America. The award is given out each year during the Guadalajara International Book Fair to recognize writers of literature for children and young people and carries a purse of US $30,000.
Juan Carlos Quezadas
Karime Cardona Cury
With the goal of creating a network that helps to encourage the work of illustrators of books for children and young people in Ibero-America, the SM Foundation and the FIL Guadalajara invites illustrators to submit their work to be included in the Annual Ibero-American Illustration Catalog. The 45 works selected will be displayed in an exposition at the Guadalajara International Book Fair. In addition, illustrators will have the opportunity to work on an illustrated book with Ediciones SM and the winner will be given US $5,000. You can find more information at:
Program Search
Independent Publishers meeting
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Dialogue panels between the various actors of the independent publishing ecosystem, in which they will reflect on the problems, challenges and joint solutions to improve marketing, dissemination, communication and, in general, the independent book sector. Meeting of independent editors
The diversity of themes, styles and vision of the independent editors is very important for FIL Guadalajara, that is why, starting this year in collaboration with the commission of Independent publishers of the CANIEM and the European Union, the first meeting of independent publishers, a meeting to find common ground and share.
The professional delegation of the European Union will also participate in the meeting and will have various tables addressing topics such as: independent publishing, book fairs, How to get books to readers?, public book policies and a workshop on purchase and sale of publishing rights.
The meeting will take place from November 27 to 29 as part of the professonal activities of FIL Guadalajara.
Participants: Hugo Setzer, Genoveva Muñoz Castillo, Carlos Armenta, Gautier Mignot
Hugo Setzer
Industrial Engineer from UNAM and has a Master's Degree in Business Management from the Pan American Institute of Senior Business Management, IPADE. He is, since 1990, general director of Editorial El Manual Moderno, one of the main publishers in the fields of medicine and psychology in Latin America. After many years of participation in the Executive Committee of the International Union of Editors (UIE / IPA), Hugo was vice president between 2017-2018 and president for the period 2019-2020.
He was on several occasions a member of the board of directors of the National Chamber of the Mexican Publishing Industry, CANIEM and vice president in the periods 2004-2006 and 2010-2013. He received the CANIEM Award for Guild Merit in 2009.
Founding president of the Mexican Center for the Protection and Promotion of Copyright, Collective Management Society, CeMPro from 1998 to 2002.
President of the committee for Latin America and the Caribbean and member of the board of directors of the International Federation of Reprographic Rights Organizations, IFRRO, from 2000 to 2002.
He was a member of the board of directors of the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Editors, STM, from 1998 to 2004.
He currently participates in the advisory board of the Accessible Books Consortium of the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, and in March 2022 he was elected president of the Board of Directors of the National Chamber of the Mexican Publishing Industry (CANIEM) for the 2022 biennium. 2024.
Other activities involving the participant:
Editorial champions for Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Development Goals
Genoveva Muñoz Castillo
(Mexico City) She has worked in the world of publishing since 2008, working in the areas of design, editing, distribution and content creation. She is a partner and director of La Cifra, an independent Mexican publisher that publishes graphic fiction, children's literature and literature. A fundamental part of her work has been to establish collaborative relationships with other publishers in order to find new ways to address distribution and exhibition problems of independent publishers. By promoting communication between related publishing projects, she has managed to establish distribution agreements and co-publishing projects that make visible the great contributions that small publishers give to the union. She was president of the Committee of Independent Editorials during the period from 2019 to 2021. She is currently the owner of Caniem.
Other activities involving the participant:
Getting books to readers
Carlos Armenta
Editor y librero en Impronta Casa Editora —dedicada a la edición de libros sobre arte, literatura y humanidades—, así como presidente del Comité de Editores Independientes de la CANIEM.
Other activities involving the participant:
Independent publishing, where are we?
Organiza: FIL Guadalajara, Unión europea, Comité de Editoriales Independientes (CEI) de la CANIEM
Monday November 27
13:00 to 13:15
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Independent publishing, where are we?
State of the Art for Independent publishing in EU and Latin America
Dialogue panels between the various actors of the independent publishing ecosystem, in which they will reflect on the problems, challenges and joint solutions to improve marketing, dissemination, communication and, in general, the independent book sector. Meeting of independent editors
The diversity of themes, styles and vision of the independent editors is very important for FIL Guadalajara, that is why, starting this year in collaboration with the commission of Independent publishers of the CANIEM and the European Union, the first meeting of independent publishers, a meeting to find common ground and share.
The professional delegation of the European Union will also participate in the meeting and will have various tables addressing topics such as: independent publishing, book fairs, How to get books to readers?, public book policies and a workshop on purchase and sale of publishing rights.
The meeting will take place from November 27 to 29 as part of the professonal activities of FIL Guadalajara.
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Independent publishing, where are we?
Independent publishing is one of the most important components of the publishing industry and cultural industries in general. In this first table of the meeting we will talk about the current state, the similarities, the differences between Latin America and Europe and the current state.
Participants: Elisabeth Goldrick, Afri Aspeleiter
Moderator: Carlos Armenta
Afri Aspeleiter
(Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1994). She studied Editing at the University of Buenos Aires and has a diploma in Editorial Policies and Cultural Project. In 2017 she founded Concreto, a publishing house dedicated to Latin American poetry and fiction. She currently runs the publishing house and works as a UX content designer.
Carlos Armenta
Editor y librero en Impronta Casa Editora —dedicada a la edición de libros sobre arte, literatura y humanidades—, así como presidente del Comité de Editores Independientes de la CANIEM.
Other activities involving the participant:
Organiza: FIL Guadalajara, Unión europea, Comité de Editoriales Independientes (CEI) de la CANIEM
Monday November 27
13:15 to 14:00
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Rights sales workshop
Dialogue panels between the various actors of the independent publishing ecosystem, in which they will reflect on the problems, challenges and joint solutions to improve marketing, dissemination, communication and, in general, the independent book sector. Meeting of independent editors
The diversity of themes, styles and vision of the independent editors is very important for FIL Guadalajara, that is why, starting this year in collaboration with the commission of Independent publishers of the CANIEM and the European Union, the first meeting of independent publishers, a meeting to find common ground and share.
The professional delegation of the European Union will also participate in the meeting and will have various tables addressing topics such as: independent publishing, book fairs, How to get books to readers?, public book policies and a workshop on purchase and sale of publishing rights.
The meeting will take place from November 27 to 29 as part of the professonal activities of FIL Guadalajara.
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Rights sales workshop
Have you ever wondered how books travel the world, cross borders and become international hits? In this conference, the fundamentals of selling publishing rights and how this process is essential for the dissemination of literature globally will be explored. Throughout the talk, you will learn the keys to identifying works with potential, how to negotiate agreements and understand the legal aspects surrounding the sale of rights.
Current challenges and trends in the publishing industry will also be addressed, including the impact of technology and changes in reading habits. In addition, valuable advice will be offered both for authors who want to sell their works and for publishers interested in acquiring rights.
Imparted by: Mónica Bergna
Mónica Bergna
(Mónica Vázquez) She was born in Mexico City in 1962. For more than 25 years she has been dedicated to the research and creation of children's and youth literature. She worked at Ekaré editions and Tecolote editions. In 2017 she opened her own publishing house in Mexico, Alboroto editions, which in 2020 was awarded the BOP Award (best publisher of the year) awarded by the Bologna fair.
The riot books edited by her have been recognized worldwide with different prizes and awards. In 2021, her book Children received the Poetry Mention at the Bologna fair. This year the book El Bolso received the New Horizons award from the same fair.
She has been a juror in different national and international competitions such as the Bologna Fair illustration prize, the Ibero-American illustration prize, among others. She currently lives in Mexico.
Other activities involving the participant:
Poesía Visual
Exploring Literary Frontiers: Internationalization of Mexican Children's and Youth Literature
Organiza: FIL Guadalajara, Unión europea, Comité de Editoriales Independientes (CEI) de la CANIEM
Tuesday November 28
10:00 to 11:50
Salón A, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Independent book fairs
Dialogue panels between the various actors of the independent publishing ecosystem, in which they will reflect on the problems, challenges and joint solutions to improve marketing, dissemination, communication and, in general, the independent book sector. Meeting of independent editors
The diversity of themes, styles and vision of the independent editors is very important for FIL Guadalajara, that is why, starting this year in collaboration with the commission of Independent publishers of the CANIEM and the European Union, the first meeting of independent publishers, a meeting to find common ground and share.
The professional delegation of the European Union will also participate in the meeting and will have various tables addressing topics such as: independent publishing, book fairs, How to get books to readers?, public book policies and a workshop on purchase and sale of publishing rights.
The meeting will take place from November 27 to 29 as part of the professonal activities of FIL Guadalajara.
Participants: Elisabeth Pérez, Renate Punka, Haris Ioannides, Antonio Marts
Elisabeth Pérez
Tras acabar sus estudios de Bellas Artes en Euskadi, se mudó a Florencia donde siguió aprendiendo escenografía, audiovisual, gráfica editorial y diseño de exposiciones. Al día de hoy vive en Bilbao donde trabaja desde su estudio, un antiguo ultramarinos y vende sus libros e ilustraciones en su pequeña librería galería “Segunda”.
Ha trabajado en distintos campos relacionados con el arte siempre a caballo entre Euskadi e Italia: gestión cultural y museos, dirección artística y diseño editorial, pedagogía, animación, proyecciones para teatro, atrezzo para videoclips, creación de documentales, murales, instalaciones...
En 2013, decidió crear una pequeña editorial de libros de arte y álbum ilustrado, Bonito Editorial, con la que crea libros-objeto ilustrados y coordina talleres en F. BilbaoArte desde 2014 con ponentes como Isidro Ferrer, Javier Zabala, Jesús Cisneros, Katsumi Komagata, Olaf Hajek, Carll Cneut, Violeta Lópiz, Isol, Gabriel Pacheco, Pablo Auladell, Icinori... Ha publicado a Kveta Pacovska, Roger Olmos, Mariana a Miseravel, y Dani Torrent, entre otrxs, y participado en ferias y congresos en Francia, Noruega, Italia, Alemania, Portugal y México. A su vez trabaja como ilustradora freelance para otras editoriales, prensa, museos etc. y ha editado 6 libros ilustrados y escritos por ella, algunos de ellos de poesía: Memoria de un pez bueno, Calabazas, Indigo, Saturnina, Elton y Sagarra Manzana.
A finales de 2016 comenzó a trabajar en Euskal Irudigileak, la Asociación Profesional de Ilustradores/as de Euskadi, donde en 2017 fundó junto a un equipo de compañeros/as Irudika, el Encuentro Profesional Internacional de Ilustración el cual ha coordinado y diseñando sus contenidos en sus cinco ediciones. Actualmente además de dirigir Irudika se encargo del área internacional de la asociación. Sigue trabajando en proyectos editoriales, de ilustración, educación y teatro de manera freelance, y mientras, sigue escribiendo y dibujando cada vez que tiene un rato.
Other activities involving the participant:
European Illustrators Fórum (EIF)
Empower Illustrators
Masterclass: Artificial intelligence, how it vulnerates our rights as authors
Renate Punka
Renate Punka wears three hats in her daily professional life. She is managing director of Janis Roze Publishers – one of the oldest and most respectable publishing houses, the home of many established and aspiring writers from Latvia and, mostly, from abroad. Since 2012, Renate Punka has been repeatedly elected as the president of the Latvian Publishers Association (LPA); in this role she actively engages in debates about cultural policy of Latvia and lobbies the interests of book sector, she is also represantive of the LPA to the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and looks after LPA’s internatinal activites. Renate Punka is also a professionally trained translator and has translated around 50 books of fiction and non-fiction from English and Russian, including EUPL laureate Karen Gillece.
Haris Ioannides
Organizó la primera Feria en Chipre que incorporó un programa profesional
Antonio Marts
He is the founder and administrative coordinator of the Paraíso Perdido Publishing House, which to date has more than two hundred published books of poetry, narrative, short stories, essays, chronicles and graphic novels in its catalogue.
He directs the virtual bookstore, an online space created to support independent publishers with their distribution.
He is part of the organizing committee of the GDL Edita collective, an initiative that brings together independent publishers and bookstores in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara whose objective is to promote the city's publishing ecosystem.
He was editor of the literature magazine La Voz de la Esfinge, of which 21 issues were published and which received the Edmundo Valadés program scholarship for independent magazines on three occasions.
His texts, essays and translations have been published in cultural supplements, newspapers, literary magazines and anthologies.
His poetic work is published in the books Before being (Fondo Editorial Tierra Adentro, 1998) and La memoria, el eco (Écrits des Forges, 2004). His narrative, in the story plaquettes About the pirates of dreams (Mala Estrella, 1997), At the bottom of the corridor (El viaje editions, 2005) and in the book Arbol rojo sobre la hill (CECA, 2010).
Other activities involving the participant:
Science fiction, its audiences and spaces
Organiza: FIL Guadalajara, Unión europea, Comité de Editoriales Independientes (CEI) de la CANIEM
Tuesday November 28
12:00 to 13:00
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Public policies and Independent publishing
Dialogue panels between the various actors of the independent publishing ecosystem, in which they will reflect on the problems, challenges and joint solutions to improve marketing, dissemination, communication and, in general, the independent book sector. Meeting of independent editors
The diversity of themes, styles and vision of the independent editors is very important for FIL Guadalajara, that is why, starting this year in collaboration with the commission of Independent publishers of the CANIEM and the European Union, the first meeting of independent publishers, a meeting to find common ground and share.
The professional delegation of the European Union will also participate in the meeting and will have various tables addressing topics such as: independent publishing, book fairs, How to get books to readers?, public book policies and a workshop on purchase and sale of publishing rights.
The meeting will take place from November 27 to 29 as part of the professonal activities of FIL Guadalajara.
Participants: Andrés Ossa, Rafael Escudero, Joan de Sola, Paola Mejía
Moderator: Tomás Granados
Andrés Ossa
Autor, editor y especialista en marketing y negocios digitales, fue designado por la presidencia del Consejo del Cerlalc y la dirección general de la Unesco como director del Centro para el bienio 2020 - 2021 y 2022 – 2023.
Cuenta con estudios en sociología, egresado de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, posee una maestría en Marketing, publicidad y Comunicaciones en la Universidad Católica de Ávila, un MBA en Administración y negocios de la Universidad Santo Tomas en Chile y un diplomado en Finanzas en la Universidad Sergio Arboleda en Colombia.
Tiene una amplia experiencia en el sector editorial. Ha trabajado en Alfaguara y Grupo Planeta. En esta última se complementó como director de marketing por más de ocho años y luego se convirtió en el gerente de innovación y negocios digitales para el área Andina.
Además, ha participado como coautor de varios proyectos editoriales, de los cuales destacan títulos como: Todos somos oro, Todos somos genios 1 y 2, El difícil oficio de perdonar, Episodios Extraordinarios del ingenio humano, Rafa y sus espantos, La leyenda del Dorado , Orquídeas del Perdón y Dios hizo el Color.
Other activities involving the participant:
El valor de la creatividad. Lanzamiento de la Guía de valoración de intangibles para industrias creativas.
Lanzamiento de “Trama”
Rate for writers
Organiza: FIL Guadalajara, Unión europea, Comité de Editoriales Independientes (CEI) de la CANIEM
Wednesday November 29
10:45 to 11:30
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Getting books to readers
Making titles from independent publishers visible and accessible
Dialogue panels between the various actors of the independent publishing ecosystem, in which they will reflect on the problems, challenges and joint solutions to improve marketing, dissemination, communication and, in general, the independent book sector. Meeting of independent editors
The diversity of themes, styles and vision of the independent editors is very important for FIL Guadalajara, that is why, starting this year in collaboration with the commission of Independent publishers of the CANIEM and the European Union, the first meeting of independent publishers, a meeting to find common ground and share.
The professional delegation of the European Union will also participate in the meeting and will have various tables addressing topics such as: independent publishing, book fairs, How to get books to readers?, public book policies and a workshop on purchase and sale of publishing rights.
The meeting will take place from November 27 to 29 as part of the professonal activities of FIL Guadalajara.
Activities for Professionals
Independent Publishers meeting
Getting books to readers
The titles produced by independent publishers address problems, content and a special vision of seeing the world of the editors and authors who produce them, therefore their marketing channel also has its particularities. At this meeting table these particularities will be discussed and experiences from both sides of the Atlantic will be shared.
Participants: Bence Sárközy, Sara Schulz, Catalina González Restrepo
Moderator: Genoveva Muñoz Castillo
Sara Schulz
Editor specialized in art books and literary, political and philosophical essays. She studied a degree in philosophy at UNAM. She began her work in the field of books with Miguel Ángel Porrúa, then at Artes de México and later at Grupo Santillana, where she was in charge of the Aguilar publishing house. From 2007 to 2015 she was editorial director of Alias, an initiative for the publication of contemporary art books with national and international distribution. For two years and until its extinction, she was editor-in-chief of Conspiratio, a magazine of philosophical-literary essays and poetry, directed by Javier Sicilia. She currently works as an independent editor and editor of the Puntal collection of the FJM. She is a founding partner of the Fauna project, a research platform on the publishing field and for the publication and distribution of printed materials. From the stage of independent publishing and culture, she is interested in reflecting and working on the recent history of the world of arts and books in Mexico.
Catalina González Restrepo
(Medellín, Colombia, 1976). Poet and editor. She has a degree in Spanish and Literature from the University of Antioquia and a Master in Literature from the Javeriana University of Bogotá. Since 1995 she has held various positions in the publishing world, in the academic (University of Antioquia), commercial (Intermedio Editores), institutional (Economic Culture Fund) and independent sectors. She is currently the manager of Luna Libros, an independent Colombian publishing house of which she has been a part since its foundation in 2008.
She participated in the creation of La Diligencia Libros, an independent distributor in Colombia that has operated since mid-2013, in the company of Laguna Libros and La Silueta Ediciones. She has been coordinator of the Independent Publishers Committee at the Colombian Book Chamber for five periods (2013-2014, 2019-2021).
In 2004 she was nominated for the young international editor award by the British Council in Bogotá and in 2010 she received the IV Florita Gómez Morata Award for the best editorial project proposed within the X Training Course for Ibero-American Editors (Ibero-American Society of Friends of Books and Publishing , Carolina Foundation, Complutense University of Madrid, Menéndez Pelayo International University, Spain).
He has published the books: Afán de fuga (Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 2002), The last battle (Pre-Textos, 2010) and Twice foreigners (Pre-Textos, 2019), and the anthologies Six cancioncillas (de agua salada) and other poems (National University of Colombia, 2005) and A word shines in the middle of the night (Externado University of Colombia, 2012). Her poems have been translated into French, Portuguese, Italian, English, Arabic and Russian.
Genoveva Muñoz Castillo
(Mexico City) She has worked in the world of publishing since 2008, working in the areas of design, editing, distribution and content creation. She is a partner and director of La Cifra, an independent Mexican publisher that publishes graphic fiction, children's literature and literature. A fundamental part of her work has been to establish collaborative relationships with other publishers in order to find new ways to address distribution and exhibition problems of independent publishers. By promoting communication between related publishing projects, she has managed to establish distribution agreements and co-publishing projects that make visible the great contributions that small publishers give to the union. She was president of the Committee of Independent Editorials during the period from 2019 to 2021. She is currently the owner of Caniem.
Other activities involving the participant:
Organiza: FIL Guadalajara, Unión europea, Comité de Editoriales Independientes (CEI) de la CANIEM
Wednesday November 29
10:00 to 10:45