The University of Guadalajara, through a project created by the Environmental Sciences Museum as part of the University’s Cultural Center, and with the support of the Guadalajara International Book Fair, has established the José Emilio Pacheco City and Nature Award. The prize, which will be given for the first time this year, will be dedicated to poetry. The winning author, who must write in Spanish and have at least ten unpublished poems or poems published in the last five years that are related to nature, urban sustainability, socio-ecological harmony and environmental conservation, will be given a purse of US $10,000. The award is dedicated to poet José Emilio Pacheco, whose work explores the duality between cities and nature.
Created by the University of Guadalajara, and with the collaboration of the National Institute for Indigenous Languages, the Culture Ministry, the National Commission for the Development of the Indigenous Cultures and Jalisco’s Department of Education, the American Indigenous Literature Award is granted to enrich, protect and promote the legacy and richness of Mexico’s indigenous peoples through literature in all its forms, and to and acknowledge and further develop the careers and works of indigenous authors. The award, which carries a purse of US $25,000, will be given for the fourth time at the 2016 FIL Guadalajara.
The SM Ibero-American Award for Literature for Children and Young People was implemented in 2005, the year of Ibero-American literature, with the goal of promoting literature for children and young people throughout Ibero-America. The award is given out each year during the Guadalajara International Book Fair to recognize writers of literature for children and young people and carries a purse of US $30,000.
Juan Carlos Quezadas
Karime Cardona Cury
With the goal of creating a network that helps to encourage the work of illustrators of books for children and young people in Ibero-America, the SM Foundation and the FIL Guadalajara invites illustrators to submit their work to be included in the Annual Ibero-American Illustration Catalog. The 45 works selected will be displayed in an exposition at the Guadalajara International Book Fair. In addition, illustrators will have the opportunity to work on an illustrated book with Ediciones SM and the winner will be given US $5,000. You can find more information at:
Program Search
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Opening ceremony
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Monday November 27
09:30 to 10:00
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Conference Miha Kovač
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Participant: Miha Kovac
Monday November 27
10:00 to 10:50
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Conference: “From papyrus to artificial intelligence: reinvention of the book and reading”
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Participant: Claudia Castellanos Tamez
Claudia Castellanos Tamez
Pedagoga hacker y pensadora disruptiva
Es licenciada en pedagogía por la Universidad Panamericana, y maestra en tecnología educativa y competencias digitales por la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja en México.
Asesora a líderes educativos en la creación y ejecución de modelos de aprendizaje innovadores, centrados en el desarrollo de competencias de futuro.
Diseña experiencias de aprendizaje con tecnología educativa, unificando pensamiento creativo, pensamiento computacional, habilidades maker y STEAM (en español Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemáticas), crecimiento socioemocional y liderazgo social con enfoque sostenible.
Comparte narrativas que catalizan la reflexión y el pensamiento crítico, y crea experiencias de proyección de futuros en áreas clave como aprendizaje y cultura digital.
Su experiencia abarca roles como editora didáctica, coautora de libros de texto, promotora de proyectos de cultura ciudadana, arquitecta pedagógica de modelos escolares, emprendedora, y activista social.
Es profesora de gestión de proyectos, y de aplicaciones lúdicas del aprendizaje en la Escuela de Pedagogía de la Universidad Panamericana en la Ciudad de México.
Forma parte de la red Mujeres Unidas por la Educación, y su compromiso con la equidad educativa.
Other activities involving the participant:
The bicentennial reader: literature created with AI
Monday November 27
12:00 to 12:50
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Conference: “Artificial intelligence, writing to read”
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Participant: Jorge Gonzalvo
Presenter: Pepe Gordon
Jorge Gonzalvo
(Zaragoza, España)
Es escritor, editor, guionista y gestor cultural. Lo que más le apasiona de la escritura es enseñar a crear historias; por eso, hace más de quince años que imparte cursos y talleres sobre el tema. Como autor ha publicado varios álbumes ilustrados en compañía de ilustradoras como Cecilia Varela o Elena Odriozola. Sus obras más conocidas son: Te regalo un cuento (Lóguez), Despedida de tristeza (Lóguez) y Tropecista (Bárbara Fiore).
Es socio fundador y director de la Asociación Atrapavientos, galardonada con el Premio Nacional de Fomento de la Lectura 2022 concedido por el Ministerio de Cultura de España. Atrapavientos es una organización española con más de trece años de experiencia y comprometida con el fomento a la lectura, especialmente entre los más jóvenes, pero también en el medio rural o con colectivos en riesgo de exclusión lectora. Atrapavientos ha colaborado con entidades como la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), el Centro Cultural España en México (CCEMx), Instituto Cervantes, Ministerio de Cultura de España, CaixaForum, Fundación Ibercaja, Escuela de Escritores, Aldeas Infantiles, Believe in Art o Atades, entre otras.
Algunos de los proyectos de fomento lector más reconocidos de Atrapavientos son: Libros que Importan (un intercambio de libros en espacios públicos que se creó en 2016 y que hasta la fecha ha conectado a más de doce mil lectores de casi un centenar de poblaciones españolas, pero también de México, Suecia y Países Bajos), Plantadores de Historias, Cuentos al Viento, RecoLectores, La Asombrosa Máquina de Generar Historias, Leer es un vicio (posiblemente la peor campaña de fomento de la lectura del mundo) o Magia en los Libros.
Más información en:
Pepe Gordon
Novelista, ensayista y traductor. Su trabajo en los medios de comunicación fue calificado por Augusto Monterroso como “dignificante de los programas culturales de la televisión”. Es creador y escritor de la serie Imaginantes, ganadora en el New York Film Festival. Desde 2007 conduce y dirige La oveja eléctrica, revista de ciencia y pensamiento del Canal 22 —el canal cultural de México—, en donde conversa con las mentes más brillantes del quehacer científico. En 2013 recibió el Premio Nacional de Periodismo en divulgación científica y cultural. Esta labor también se dirige a los niños que se asoman a la ciencia en su libro-historieta ilustrada por Ricardo García, Micro: La oveja eléctrica y la memoria del universo (Sexto Piso, 2013). Junto con un talentoso equipo, es creador de Mare Nostrum. El universo de la ciencia y la poesía, una nueva serie de cápsulas televisivas impulsada por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México, que será difundida en las televisoras culturales de Iberoamérica para compartir los nuevos mapas de la sociedad del conocimiento.
Other activities involving the participant:
Adventures in particle physics
The future of quantum computing
Monday November 27
13:30 to 14:20
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Conference: “BookTok: the phenomenon of reading on TikTok”
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Participants: Erika Muñoz, Laura Reyna, Jorge Haro
Erika Muñoz
Es graduada de mercadotecnia y comunicación en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Tiene siete años de experiencia en el mundo digital. Es amante de los libros, la naturaleza, el arte y actualmente es la responsable de la estrategia orgánica de contenido de BookTok Latinoamérica para fomentar la lectura por medio de esta plataforma.
Other activities involving the participant:
Laura Reyna
Trabaja en la intersección de tecnología, políticas públicas e impacto social. Además, es maestra en políticas tecnológicas en la Universidad de Cambridge, en Reino Unido, y doctora en administración pública en el Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP) México. Actualmente es gerente de Asuntos Públicos de TikTok para Latinoamérica, donde dirige las alianzas institucionales y las acciones de impacto social de la empresa.
Jorge Haro
Nació en Tepic, Nayarit, el 30 de abril de 1994. En 2022 comenzó el proyecto @Bookofjorge por TikTok. Con este, comparte su pasión por la lectura y alienta a sus seguidores para adentrarse en la magia de la literatura. Además, ha publicado cuentos de su autoría en varias antologías locales. Sueña con publicar sus propios libros algún día.
Other activities involving the participant:
Tuesday November 28
10:00 to 10:50
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Workshop: Project management
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Imparted by: Laura Niembro Díaz
Tuesday November 28
12:00 to 13:30
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
Conference: “A map everywhere: how to find professionals in reading mediation and not die trying”
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Participants: Anel Pérez, Imelda Martorell, Laura Guerrero Guadarrama, Mariana Morales Guerra
Anel Pérez
Historian from the Ibero-American University (UIA), master's degree in Mexican history from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has a diploma in reading promotion from IBBY Mexico, as well as a specialization diploma in cultural management from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM/ILM).
She currently directs the Department of Literature and Promotion of Reading at the UNAM. She was technical secretary of Liaison at the Coordination of Cultural Dissemination of the UNAM for five years, where she developed liaison projects with the university community, as well as programs for the dissemination of art and culture. She founded the first academic program at UNAM dedicated specifically to the promotion of reading, with the diploma course "Children's and young people's literature: a door to reading," which has been taught at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Fundación Harp Helú, UNACH and UABJO. She has participated in the design, programming and development of reading promotion projects in several instances, as well as jury of international awards for children's and young people's literature.
She is the author of La casa de Rosario and Pintura de los reinos, a family guide, history and art books for children.
Imelda Martorell
Degree in social communication from theUniversidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM). She is currently coordinator of the Promotion of Reading and Written Culture integrated by the José Emilio Pacheco Special Lecture Series of Reading, and of the Universo de Letras University Reading System, in the Direction of Literature and Promotion of Reading of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has been director of editorial promotion and promotion of reading, creator of the National Reading Rooms Program (creation of six thousand rooms for the endowment of collections and training for volunteers who work with readers, books and reading outside schools and libraries).
She directed the International Children's and Young People's Book Fair (FILIJ) for thirteen years, during which time he managed to position it as the most important fair of its kind in Ibero-America. She also created and coordinated the International Seminar for the Promotion of Reading; she produced and organized 20 issues of the Collection Readings on Readings.
Laura Guerrero Guadarrama
She is a full-time academic and researcher at the Department of Letters of the Ibero-American University of Mexico City, an institution that has awarded her the Sánchez Villaseñor Gold Medal. For fifteen uninterrupted years she has been a member of the National System of Researchers, and in 2022 she was promoted to Level II. She has dedicated her works to the study of children's and young people's literature (LIJ), the work of Rosario Castellanos and graphic narrative.
She obtained three SEP-Conacyt Basic Scientific Research grants, the most recent one in 2019 with the topic: The genres of memory as a neo-subversive modality of contemporary children's and young people's literature. She has collaborated as a researcher in international projects. She has published four volumes of of her own authorship, based on the outcomes of her research: La ironía en la obra temprana de Rosario Castellanos (2005), La posmodernidad en la literatura infantil y juvenil (2012), Neosubversión en la LIJ contemporánea: una aproximación a México y España (2016) and Narrativa gráfica en la literatura infantil y juvenil (2020).
Since 2015 she has been the director of the electronic, specialized and refereed publication: LIJ Ibero. Magazine of Contemporary Children's and Young People's Literature, which in 2017 received the National and Latin American Award for Children's and Youth Literature La Hormiguita Viajera, awarded by the Board of Directors of the Madre Teresa de La Matanza Popular Library, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
Mariana Morales Guerra
With studies in pedagogy, Mariana Morales Guerra is a teacher, speaker and workshop leader on book and written culture issues; since 1996 she has been dedicated to the work of promoting, editing and spreading the written word. From 2009 to 2010 she directed the training coordination at IBBY Mexico, an association dedicated to the promotion of reading since 1980, and from 2018 to 2021 she was the technical and training director. Since 2015 and to date, she has been responsible for the creation of content for the José Emilio Pacheco Special Lecture Series of Reading of the Coordination of Cultural Dissemination of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is also a collaborator of the Universo de Letras University Reading System of the Directorate of Literature and Promotion of Reading of the UNAM.
Her editorial work began at the National Council for Culture and the Arts (Conaculta), where she coordinated the collection for reading promoters and researchers: Readings on Readings, as well as the Gazette Entre Lectores of the National Reading Rooms Program. She has written collaborations for the magazine Legere and worked at the editorial Ríos de Tinta, publishing house of the Milenio group and Clarín group of Buenos Aires. She is the author of the pedagogical framework of the book Responsabilidad policial en democracia. Una propuesta para América Latina, edited by Insyde, the Secretariat of Citizen Security, the University of Querétaro, the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District and the CESC, of the University of Chile. She has been a jury member of the National Reading Award Historias de Lectura of the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), Conaculta and the AMPLAC.
Wednesday November 29
10:00 to 10:50
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara
Activities for Professionals
Reading Promoters Conference. Books and Technology
In its twenty-first edition, the Reading Promoters Conference of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) will share experiences and conceived projects, with the mission of spreading the passion for books and reading. To celebrate it, we will dedicate three days to talk and reflect on reading and technology, and how social networks can positively affect reading habits.
Ten years ago, the great question among book professionals revolved around the fate of printed books in the face of the imminent development of electronic books; at the same time, social networks were beginning to stand out as an extraordinary marketing channel, but what no one seemed to have anticipated was the great impact they currently have on the daily lives of societies around the world, and how they influence the way we know, learn and read the world.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, among other networks, have millions of enthusiastic users, eager to consume and create content. How to take advantage of these media in favor of reader promotion? These and other questions will be addressed by the professionals and specialists who, for this occasion, will meet in Guadalajara.
With the organization of the Reading Promoters Conference, the Guadalajara International Book Fair reiterates its commitment to capitalize on the actions of various national and international institutions linked to the training of reading promoters, with a view to contributing to their professionalization and the recognition of the figure of the reading mediator as a fundamental element in the link between books and readers.
The promoter's work and their leading role in the formation of readers continues to motivate the FIL to organize the Reading Promoters Conference sponsored by the SM Foundation.
Participant: María Teresa Andruetto
María Teresa Andruetto
She was born in Argentina. She published novels, essays, story books, poetry collections, and children's books. For forty years she has intervened in various ways in the construction of a reading society. He obtained, among others, the National Arts Fund, Ibero-American Lifetime Achievement in Children's Literature SM awards, National University of Córdoba Culture Award, Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012, Konex de Platino, Lifetime Achievement Award in Letters from the National Arts Fund 2020, Pregonero of Honor of the FIL/Buenos Aires and Friend of the Popular Libraries. She was a jury for important awards and representative of the artists in the Recognition of Merit for artists from the province of Cordoba. Among his latest books, the album Clara and the Man in the Window (Limonero), the album for adults The Dress (Diego Pun Editions), the novel Aldao (Penguinrandomhouse Literatures) and the biography of readings Una Lectora de Provincia (Ampersand) Co She directs a collection of revaluation of forgotten Argentine narrators at the EDUVIM University Press and every week she shares a short story from the radio of the National University of Córdoba.
Other activities involving the participant:
Reading in the 21st century
Wednesday November 29
12:00 to 12:50
Salón Enrique González Martínez, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara