The University of Guadalajara, through a project created by the Environmental Sciences Museum as part of the University’s Cultural Center, and with the support of the Guadalajara International Book Fair, has established the José Emilio Pacheco City and Nature Award. The prize, which will be given for the first time this year, will be dedicated to poetry. The winning author, who must write in Spanish and have at least ten unpublished poems or poems published in the last five years that are related to nature, urban sustainability, socio-ecological harmony and environmental conservation, will be given a purse of US $10,000. The award is dedicated to poet José Emilio Pacheco, whose work explores the duality between cities and nature.
Created by the University of Guadalajara, and with the collaboration of the National Institute for Indigenous Languages, the Culture Ministry, the National Commission for the Development of the Indigenous Cultures and Jalisco’s Department of Education, the American Indigenous Literature Award is granted to enrich, protect and promote the legacy and richness of Mexico’s indigenous peoples through literature in all its forms, and to and acknowledge and further develop the careers and works of indigenous authors. The award, which carries a purse of US $25,000, will be given for the fourth time at the 2016 FIL Guadalajara.
The SM Ibero-American Award for Literature for Children and Young People was implemented in 2005, the year of Ibero-American literature, with the goal of promoting literature for children and young people throughout Ibero-America. The award is given out each year during the Guadalajara International Book Fair to recognize writers of literature for children and young people and carries a purse of US $30,000.
Juan Carlos Quezadas
Karime Cardona Cury
With the goal of creating a network that helps to encourage the work of illustrators of books for children and young people in Ibero-America, the SM Foundation and the FIL Guadalajara invites illustrators to submit their work to be included in the Annual Ibero-American Illustration Catalog. The 45 works selected will be displayed in an exposition at the Guadalajara International Book Fair. In addition, illustrators will have the opportunity to work on an illustrated book with Ediciones SM and the winner will be given US $5,000. You can find more information at:
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Annual International Publishing Design Forum
Activities for Professionals
Annual International Publishing Design Forum
From science to aesthetics. Editorial design in scientific dissemination books
Activities for Professionals
Annual International Publishing Design Forum
From science to aesthetics. Editorial design in scientific dissemination books
In the field of scientific dissemination, editorial design plays a fundamental role. Beyond transmitting information, it seeks to create a visually attractive experience that invites readers to enter into the mysteries of the universe and scientific advances.
This conference will address success stories in the editorial design of popular science books, where aesthetic beauty and scientific rigor have been managed to merge. We will learn about the challenges that designers face when translating complex concepts into graphic representations and how they have been able to overcome them with ingenuity and creativity.
Participants: Angélica Olaya, Alberto Guerra
Angélica Olaya
Angélica María Olaya es profesional en Estudios Literarios y candidata a magíster en Antropología Social y en Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo. Tiene una trayectoria de 15 años en la edición académica universitaria, en la que ha editado alrededor de 300 títulos; entre los que se destaca la Colección de la Misión Internacional de Sabios 2019, los libros de ciencia para niños Mi primer libro de... y Mujer es Ciencia.
Fue editora de la Facultad de Ciencias y coordinadora editorial de la Facultad de Humanas y de la Oficina de edición de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Ha sido editora del Boletín Epidemiológico Semanal y del Informe Quincenal Epidemiológico Nacional de Colombia. Así mismo, ha trabajado como asesora en el diseño de políticas editoriales y como docente en diplomados en edición y corrección de estilo. Actualmente es la gerente y editora de Tejido editorial.
Other activities involving the participant:
We were born for seed: an approach to the current Colombian literature
Alberto Guerra
En el 2004 comienza su carrera ilustrando libros con Trillas, Mc Graw Hill y Macmillan. Licenciado por la UNAM en Diseño y Comunicación Visual, (2008), desde el 2010 se especializa en Ilustración Científica y en Diseño para la Divulgación de la Ciencia; colabora con la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM en Yucatán, la ENES Mérida, Biodiversidad Marina de Yucatán, el Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, el Laboratorio Nacional de Resiliencia Costera; también con el Museo de Ciencias Universum de la UNAM y el Museo de Historia Natural de la CDMX.
Su interés en la Biología radica en representar la simbiosis entre diversas especies y su entorno. Esta fascinación por las interacciones, lo ha llevado a conocer diferentes comportamientos y fenómenos fascinantes gracias a que ha podido ilustrar diversos ecosistemas acuáticos y terrestres.
En el Diseño, su expertise se enfoca en infografías, tarjetas de reporte, folletos y catálogos de especies, donde, Alberto trata de expresar e interpretar lo mejor posible en imágenes, gráficas e ilustraciones lo que los científicos desean expresar para generar en el espectador: conocimiento, respeto y conciencia hacia la naturaleza.
Sunday November 26
17:30 to 18:20
Salón de Profesionales, Área Internacional, Expo Guadalajara