The University of Guadalajara, through a project created by the Environmental Sciences Museum as part of the University’s Cultural Center, and with the support of the Guadalajara International Book Fair, has established the José Emilio Pacheco City and Nature Award. The prize, which will be given for the first time this year, will be dedicated to poetry. The winning author, who must write in Spanish and have at least ten unpublished poems or poems published in the last five years that are related to nature, urban sustainability, socio-ecological harmony and environmental conservation, will be given a purse of US $10,000. The award is dedicated to poet José Emilio Pacheco, whose work explores the duality between cities and nature.
Created by the University of Guadalajara, and with the collaboration of the National Institute for Indigenous Languages, the Culture Ministry, the National Commission for the Development of the Indigenous Cultures and Jalisco’s Department of Education, the American Indigenous Literature Award is granted to enrich, protect and promote the legacy and richness of Mexico’s indigenous peoples through literature in all its forms, and to and acknowledge and further develop the careers and works of indigenous authors. The award, which carries a purse of US $25,000, will be given for the fourth time at the 2016 FIL Guadalajara.
The SM Ibero-American Award for Literature for Children and Young People was implemented in 2005, the year of Ibero-American literature, with the goal of promoting literature for children and young people throughout Ibero-America. The award is given out each year during the Guadalajara International Book Fair to recognize writers of literature for children and young people and carries a purse of US $30,000.
Juan Carlos Quezadas
Karime Cardona Cury
With the goal of creating a network that helps to encourage the work of illustrators of books for children and young people in Ibero-America, the SM Foundation and the FIL Guadalajara invites illustrators to submit their work to be included in the Annual Ibero-American Illustration Catalog. The 45 works selected will be displayed in an exposition at the Guadalajara International Book Fair. In addition, illustrators will have the opportunity to work on an illustrated book with Ediciones SM and the winner will be given US $5,000. You can find more information at:
Program Search
The Pleasure of Reading Galas
FIL Literature
The Pleasure of Reading Galas
Participants: Colm Tóibín, Tatiana Tîbuleac, Arnon Grunberg
Moderator: Vivian Lavín
Colm Tóibín
Invitado de HonorColm Tóibín is the author of ten novels, including The Magician (winner of the Rathbones Folio Prize); The Master (winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize); Brooklyn (winner of the Costa Book Award); The Testament of Mary; and Nora Webster, as well as two short story collections and several books of criticism. He has been named as the Laureate for Irish Fiction for 2022–2024 by the Arts Council of Ireland and is the Irene and Sidney B. Silverman Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University. Tóibín has been shortlisted for the Booker Prize three times, and his work has been translated into more than thirty languages. His next novel, Long Island, is the highly-anticipated follow-up to Brooklyn and will be published in May 2024.
Other activities involving the participant:
Stories of exclusion. Fight with words
Tatiana Tîbuleac
Invitado de HonorHija única de un periodista y de la correctora de un periódico, ya en la universidad empezó a colaborar con diversos medios en calidad de traductora, correctora y reportera, mientras realizaba sus estudios de periodismo y comunicación. Se dio a conocer en 1995, cuando comenzó a publicar la columna “Historias verdaderas” en el periódico Flux, uno de los diarios más importantes en lengua rumana.
En 2007 abandonó el periodismo para dedicarse por entero a la escritura, y al año siguiente se mudó a París. El verano en que mi madre tuvo los ojos verdes (2016; Impedimenta 2019), su primera novela impactó, tanto a la crítica como a los lectores de Rumanía. Se ha traducido a varios idiomas, y ha convertido en un auténtico fenómeno literario, con adaptaciones para el teatro, y cosechado importantes reconocimientos en España, como el Premio Cálamo Libro del año 2019, el Premio Las Librerías Recomiendan 2020 y el Premio Novela Europea Casino de Santiago 2020.
Su segunda novela, El jardín de vidrio (2018; Impedimenta 2021), se alzó con el Premio de Literatura de la Unión Europea en 2019.
Tatiana Tîbuleac vive y trabaja actualmente en París.
Other activities involving the participant:
How to write from the margins
Arnon Grunberg
Invitado de HonorArnon Yasha Yves Grunberg (born 22 February 1971) is a Dutch writer of novels, essays, and columns. He grew up in Amsterdam in a Jewish emigrant family and was kicked out of high school at age seventeen. After a very short acting career, he started his own publishing company in 1990 called Kasimir and wrote several plays. In 1994, when he was twenty-three years old, he debuted with his first novel Blue Mondays for which he received several Dutch prices, including the Anton Wachter Prize price and De Gouden Ezelsoor, a prize for best selling literary debut. After this he wrote sixteen novels, including Silent Extras (1997), Phantom Phantom Pain (2000), Tirza (2006) and The Jewish Messiah (2008).
In addition to his novels, he has written many essays, columns, poetry, scenarios and plays. His essays have appeared in many national and international magazines such as The New York Times, Le Monde, Liberération, The Times, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Courrier International, Revista Contexto and Süddeutsche Zeitung. In 2022 he received the PC Hooftprijs, a Dutch literary lifetime achievement award and the Johannes Vermeer prize, the Dutch State Prize for the Arts.
Other activities involving the participant:
Authors and literature in the face of crises
Vivian Lavín
(Santiago de Chile, 1967) Es una periodista de amplia trayectoria en el campo de la cultura. Conduce desde el año 2002, el programa radial Vuelan las Plumas, en Radio Universidad de Chile. Es autora de cinco libros de entrevistas. Su más reciente libro es Pisaremos las calles nuevamente (Cuatro Lunas, 2023) basado en el testimonio de tres expresas políticas de la dictadura chilena. Obtuvo el Premio a la Excelencia Periodística por Pobre el que no cambia de mirada, y el Premio al Periodismo que entrega la Academia Chilena de la Lengua, entre otros.
Es presidenta de la Sociedad de Derechos de las Letras (Sadel).
En 2018 creó la agencia literaria VLP Agency, que representa a autores y editores de Latinoamérica y España.
Other activities involving the participant:
The Poetry Room
Black humor and tragicomedy in literature
Wednesday November 29
18:00 to 18:50
Salón 3, planta baja, Expo Guadalajara