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Frequently asked questions



What are the days and hours for professionals in 2022 edition?

November 27th to 29th from 9:00 to 17:00

Who can register as a professional at FIL?

All those involved in the publishing industry: rights agentspublishersbooksellersdistributors,
 librariansillustratorsreading promoterstranslatorsscouts and writers.

The Fair also allows registration as professional for those professionals whose activities and interests in buying books is done during professional hours, provided they pay the corresponding fees.

How can I register as a professional or buyer?

Proceed with the on-line pre-registration before November 6 , or directly come in-person to the Registration Desk, located at the entrance of the International Area (in front of the Hotel Hilton) from November 25 to November 29, 2023.

What is the Registration Desk schedule?

9:00 to 17:00.

If I have pre-registered as a professional, where do I get my access badge?

At the pre-registration desk, where you will be able to pick up your Exhibitors and Professionals catalogs, floor plan, badges and a participant bag.

What services are available in the Business Center?

Exhibitors Services Desk, e-mail services, tables for business meetings, storage, and courier service.

Who has access to the Business Center?

All exhibitors and visiting professionals with a badge.


For further information, contact:

Exhibitors and Professionals coordinator, Armando M. de Santiago at the phone number (+52) 33 3810 0331, ext.919