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Libraries' discount program

Have the opportunity to offer your products to the Mexican Libraries that have specific funds to purchase resources during FIL.

Participating libraries includes institutions part of CONPABIES (National Council for Librarian Affairs of Higher Education Institutions), of which the University of Guadalajara is a member.

How to participate

  1. You must commit to offer the librarians a fixed discount (minimum 20%) off the retail listed price for exhibited materials.
  2. The publishing company must send a letter in letterhead stationary specifying:
    • Company name and stand number
    • The offered discount
    • The people in charge of assisting the librarians at the stand
    • If there is any restriction or applicable policy at the discount
  3. Upon reception of the letter, FIL will confirm your participation in the program.
  4. FIL will send during the third week of November, a listing of participating librarians to the publishing houses, as well as the names of those in charge of acquisition.
  5. FIL will send to the librarians, during the third week of November, a list of participating exhibitors



  • To Grant the offered discount.
  • To Deliver in due time the materials committed to the libraries in dates after FIL.


  • Show the participating badge that acknowledges him as a librarian.
  • Make due payment in the agreed dates if these are after FIL.
Deadline for registration: November 7th, 2025.
Send your signed letter to: Antonio González

For further information, contact:

Exhibitors assistant, Antonio González at the phone number (+52) 33 3810 0331, ext. 942