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Rights Center

Frequently asked questions

Rights Center

What is the Rights Center?

Restricted zone designated for author rights negotiations. It offers previously reserved worktables for companies interested in these negotiations.

Who can participate in the Rights Center?

Rights agents, literary scouts and executives in charge of rights for publishing companies with the interest of closing deals with companies from the represented markets, like Spanish, English, Italian, French, Portuguese and Korean, among others.

What are the benefits of participating in the Rights Center?

The Rights Center is a unique space in Iberoamerica, a meeting point for the main actors of the book market. There is an increasing number of publishers and rights agents in other languages, apart from Spanish, that take part in FIL each year, including representatives of languages like English, Italian, French, Korean, Portuguese, etc

What is the cost of reserving a table at the Rights Center?

  • Table + 3 nights of accommodation: 11,900 Mexican pesos
  • Table: 7,000 Mexican pesos
  • Additional badge: 950 Mexican pesos
    It is available during the days the Rights Center is open.

What are the dates for the Rights Center?

Sunday December 1 st to Wednesday December 4th from 9:00 to 19:00

How can I join the Rights Center?

Fill out the application form and proceed with online payment.

Where is the Rights Center located?

In the International Area, hallway ÑÑ, within the Business Center for Professionals.

What does joining the Rights Center include?

  • Two access badges to the Rights Center
  • Publication of your information in the online Rights Center catalog
  • A worktable with the name of your company
  • Three chairs
  • Message service
  • Locker
  • Internet access
  • Printing service
  • Three hotel nights per table (only if you choose this option)

When can I consult the on-line catalog?

Beginning August 30 th .

Can I purchase extra access badges?

Yes. Each extra badge has a cost of 950 Mexican pesos. You can request through Jazmín Orozco

Are there any restrictions or limitations to the use of the Center?

  1. Access to the Rights Center is exclusively for registered participants and those who have a pre-arranged meeting.
  2. Worktables are for three people only.
  3. The use of chairs and furniture different to that assigned to your company is not allowed. Advertising your company in the main areas is also prohibited.
  4. FIL reserves the right to publish and translate the catalog.