Tribute to a Librarian
Information services are fundamental if people are to improve their quality of life and achieve a better economic, social, cultural and educational level. As people take advantage of the resources and information services available and learn how to use them efficiently, progress and development will be reflected in them. This is why FIL has, since 2002, honored librarians whose life work and support to the development of libraries have been widely recognized.
Has been awarded to:
Jesús Alberto Arellano Rodríguez
José Porfirio Tamez Solís
Rosalía del Carmen Macías Rodrígueza
Óscar Gerardo Saavedra Fernández
Suspended due
to the pandemic
Ana Lilian Moya Grijalva
Sergio López Ruelas
Micaela Alicia Chávez Villa
Porfirio Díaz Pérez
Irma Cordera de Pérez Monroy
Elsa Margarita Ramírez Leyva
Diana Eugenia González Ortega
Irma Graciela de León de Muñoz
Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo
Helen Ladrón de Guevara Cox
Ana María Magaloni
Estela Morales Campos
Ario Garza Mercado Álvarez
Celia Delgado Rodríguez
Guadalupe Carrión Rodríguez
Rosa Ma. Fernández
Roberto Gordillo Gordillo
For further information contact:
Contents manager, Laura Niembro at the phone number (+52) 33 3810 0331, ext. 937