©Jürgen Mai

André Sant’Anna is a writer, musician, script and screenwriter and advertising copywriter.

   He founded the music group Tao e Qual in the 1980s and is currently on tour with the group Sons e Furyas.

   For the theatre he has written O jogo de todas as coisas que há, Bicho and Todas as possibilidades, a play based on the novel The Man Without Qualities, by Robert Musil. He wrote the theatre show Puzzle, directed by Felipe Hirsh. The play had showings in a number of cities in Brazil and was also put on at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2013.

   With the group Tao e Qual he was part of the show Junk box, based on the book by Sérgio Sant’An- na and his own book, Deus É Bom – O Engarrafamento.

   He wrote the trilogy Amor (Editora Oito e Meio), Sexo e amizade, the novel O paraíso é bem bacana (Companhia das Letras), as well as Inverdades (Editora 7Letras) and O Brasil É Bom (Companhia das Letras).

   He has contributed to major Brazilian newspapers and magazines such as O Globo, Folha de São
Paulo, Piauí, Cult, Elle and Carta Capital, among others.

   His story “O Importado Vermelho de Noé” was included in the anthology Os cem melhores contos brasileiros do século (Editora Objetiva) and another of his stories Pro Beleléu appeared in the anthol- ogy As Cem Melhores Crônicas Brasileiras (Editora Objetiva).

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